Friday 4 February 2011

The importance of rest

The bruise went right through my hand, now fading nicely
You'll know I have been feeling frustrated and a bit restless this week following my fall last Sunday.  Having this injury has been painful, inconvenient and stopped me doing almost anything physical.  Even peeling a grapefruit for breakfast was painful and slow.  In the shower I could see the bruise on my knee which I hadn't taken any notice of before, though my shoulder is getting back to normal.

It is probably not helpful to contemplate too much WHY this might have happened but perhaps reflect on HOW it actually might have benefited me...

Sometimes we/I can simply over do-it.  Perhaps there are weeks, or even months or seasons when any of us might serve ourselves better simply by stepping back and reflecting on things a little.  I know from my work I certainly need a mental rest often.  Doing too much, putting middle aged bodies through too much pounding can be counter-productive.

In our bodies there are, perhaps, thousands of processes taking place at any one time.  Some will be repairing, or healing something or dealing with an illness, an infection or some other damage.  For this we all need the right food, rest, sleep and perhaps for me, the right attitude.

I know that some nights this week I have slept even deeper than I normally do, almost to the point of knowing that at the time and being aware of my body benefiting from it, certainly my mind has benefited.  It also seems to fit well with this time of year.  On one level February in England is always a dreary, dull month with that feeling of winter dragging on.  And yet it's a month where we can see signs of nature just starting to stir a little.  We can see the daylight is lengthening day by day with the encouragement of Spring being around the corner.  Snowdrops are starting to appear in the garden and we have some early daffodils inside on a window sill.

So, this last week has not been of my choosing but sometimes I'll admit that I don't always know what's best for me or my family.  This week I have been home promptly from my work, more time spent with my family and this includes Becky who has enjoyed more Mummy and Daddy time while Hannah has been away on a school trip.

I took Audrey the Audax into the bike shop this morning for a tune up and I had to push it there.  My hand is still too painful to even hold the handlebar let alone ride it.  Now I'm more accepting that there are benefits from this enforced rest.  I am gaining from this rest, although not my choice, it is almost certainly what I have needed and so I must, in a funny kind of way, be thankful.  Truly thankful that is.


  1. Dear Doug
    I think your blog is very good!
    keep writing!

    from Anonymous
