Monday, 6 June 2011

St Albans Half Marathon - training underway

It's really good having a target once again, now less than a week before the race in St Albans, Hertfordshire.

A few days ago I went for an early morning run lasting about 90 minutes.  This was an easy paced run involving a few hills.  Felt fine and wanted to do a bit more but I did manage to get a blister.  Getting a blister is rare for me and usually a sign of taking smaller steps which in turn is probably caused by tiredness.

This morning I went for a faster Tempo run - this is where I warm up slowly with a gentle jog for about 5-10 minutes.  Then a brisk pace for 20 minutes before returning to a gentle jog in the last few minutes.  This is completely different and much harder than Interval running I find  It is Interval training which gets me really out of breath but feels great.  Temp running just wears me out but I know it's good training.

I always worry I am not in a good shape.  It's tempting to over do it in the final days before a race but I don't want to risk an injury.  So I'll have a few short runs over the next few days to keep loosened up.....


  1. You are more than fit enough to run this event so just keep doing what you are doing.
    Remember to drink plenty of fluid after your run as you dont need a thumping headache on the way in to work!

  2. That last comment was about 1hr+ early morning runs.

  3. Thanks, it's good to have reassurances. I need to hear that.

    Although I know I can do it, I don't know whether I'll match last year's time but we'll soon see. The race atmosphere has had a good effect in the past.

    Early this morning I had a 7.5 mile run. A nice and gentle pace, I don't want a pulled muscle or a blister at this stage. It was fantastic running through some woodland areas and over a hill with fantastic views - it set me up for the day.
