Tuesday, 1 March 2011

London - it's so exhausting!

Outside the RSA in John Adam Street, London WC2
 My wife thinks I'm having a ball at work.  This morning she asked what I was doing for lunch today (meaning "do you need your lunch box?") I said I was popping into central London for lunch at the RSA.  Slight raising of eye brow.

Actually it was a working lunch, honest.

I've been into London quite a few times recently as regular readers will already know.  Every day I go, I fall asleep in the evening.  It seems that mentally there is just something about it but I don't know why.  It is fascinating work and certainly it does exercise my grey cells somewhat.  The journey, well it's not too bad and I never have to wait more than a couple of minutes for a train, so what exactly am I complaining about?  Nothing.

It's just another reminder of a couple of things.

Firstly I need to continue pulling myself together knowing that February has happened - I've been injured and that was then.  Both mentally and physically I must keep going and they do go hand-in-hand so much more than ever before.  I can't wait before I've really got into that pattern of regular runs and rides; that "runners high" that keeps me going.

Just a quick word about the RSA.  As you can see from the first photograph the "Royal Society for encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce" in John Adam Street, London WC2.  I was there today having been previously invited to give views on a new idea; this being a follow on meeting to consolidate these things.

From what I gather, that's just what the RSA is all about, or as someone in the group put it, a "Think tank; Do tank".  Also a brief suggestion I should join. Never thought of that before.  Should I?

Click here for a link to the RSA home page


  1. I understand what you mean about London.
    I have worked there most of my adult life and sometimes I feel like the place is sucking the life out of me.
    It was good when I was young,but now I would much prefer a quiet life in the country.
    The running is my antidote to work (and a couple of 'issues' that I have) that prevent me from becoming a complete,suffering wreck!

  2. Thanks for your comment.
    Yes you're spot on, running can be a brilliant antidote for the pressures life brings. It makes all the difference to a few people I know, plus me!
